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How To Set Up Your Side Menu

The side menu is a great tool to improve navigation throughout your app!

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over 2 years ago

What is the Side Menu Page?

The side menu is a great tool to improve navigation throughout your app and can give your users quick access to the most important plugins within your app, and with the side menu page, you can enhance the side menu of your app to make it more in line with your company, organization, or brand.

On this page you can:

  • Add or remove the side menu

  • Adjust the placement of the side menu

  • Change the look of the side menu’s icon

  • Add and remove plugins to the side menu

  • Adjust the order of the plugins found in your side menu

  • Show or hide secured plugins (plugins that require log-in or have required user tags attributed to them)

How to access the Side Menu Page:

Simply go to App Components > Side Menu

What are the different sections of the Side Menu tab, and how do you use them?

Here we’ll go through the Side Menu tab section by section so that you know how to make a solid side menu!

Note: If you don’t want to include a side menu in your app you can hide it by clicking the “Turn Off” button in the control panel.

We recommend that you keep the side menu enabled as it gives your users an overall better navigation experience, but we give you the option to remove it from your app if you would like to do so. If you remove it and would like to re-add it, click the “Turn On” button and it will be re-added to your app.

Now onto the amazing options that you have for your side menu. First let’s go over the Style section. The Design section allows you to change the look of the side menu’s icon and how it’s displayed in your app.


The Alignment section allows you to display the side menu in either the top left or top right of your app.

If you would like to display the side menu on the left side of your app, simply click on the “Left” option.

If you would like to display the side menu on the right side of your app, simply click on the “Right” option.


The Floating section allows you to display the side menu as either attached to the side of a device’s screen, or floating slightly away from it.

If you would like your side menu to display attached to the side of the screen, simply select “Off”.

If you would like your side menu to display floating next to the side of the screen, simply select “On”.


The Transparent section allows you to show or hide the background color of the side menu’s icon.

If you would like to display the side menu icon’s background color, simply select “Off”.

If you would like to change the icon’s background color, you can do so by going to the Branding tab and adjusting the “Title Bar” color found in the “Fonts & Colors” section. If you would like to learn more about the Branding tab you can do so here.

If you would like to display the side menu’s icon without a background color, simply select “On”.

Custom Icon or Image

The Custom Icon or Image section allows you to use your own image or one of a selection of pre-made icons that we provide for you.

If you would like to use one of our pre-made icons, simply select “Icon” and select the icon that you’d like to use from the drop-down menu.

If you would like to use your own icon or image, simply select “Image” and upload your image in the gray box below.

Note: We recommend that you use an image that’s either a .jpg or a .png and is 1024px x 1024px.

Now that you know how to add features to your side menu, let’s go over the Secured Features section. If you have any plugins set to “Require Login” or have Required User Tags applied to them, you can adjust their visibility in the side menu based on a user’s credentials. If you would like to learn more about the Security Settings for plugins you can do so here.

Custom Background

The Custom Background selection allows you to display your own custom image when opening the side menu of the mobile application.

Animation Style

Animation style allows the app owner to set how they would prefer the side menu to appear.

  • Frosty Glass

  • Slide in

  • Fade in


The Secured Features section allows you to show or hide features within the side menu based on a user’s user tags.

The Secured Features has three settings:

  • Enable - The features are displayed and can be tapped on to access them. While a user can tap on the plugin, if they don’t have the required credentials to access the plugin’s content, they will receive an “Access Denied” message.

  • Disabled - The features are displayed, but cannot be tapped on to access them if the user doesn’t have the required credentials. Their names will be grayed out.

  • Hidden - If a user doesn’t have the required credentials to access the plugins, they will be hidden from that user, and will only display for users who have the correct credentials.

Note: The default setting is “Enable” and this functionality only works once the app is live. It won’t display in the previewer of the app dashboard because certain security functions are disabled for the preview version to help make working on your app as easy as possible.

We recommend that if you have any plugins with security requirements in your side menu, you mark them as hidden until both Apple and Google have approved your app.

Next, let’s go over the Menu section. The Menu section allows you to add and remove plugins to the side menu, as well as show or hide secure plugins (those set to require a log-in or have required user tags applied to them).

Adding New and Existing Features

Now that you’ve adjusted the look of your side menu’s icon and placement, let’s go over how to manage the features that will display in the side menu.

If you would like to add a plugin that you’ve already created, simply click Add Existing Feature.

This will bring up a window that displays all of the plugins that you’ve already created. You can search for a plugin, or scroll through the full list.

Once you’ve found the plugin(s) that you’d like to add to the side menu, check the box next to them and click “Apply”.

If you would like to create a new plugin and add it to the side menu, simply click on Add New Feature.

This will bring up a window that displays the Feature Marketplace. To add a new plugin, all you need to do is find it and click “Add”.

Then give it a name, and click “Add”.

This will add the new plugin to your side menu. If you would like to load all of the plugins that you’ve created you can check the “Load all plugins” box.

Once you’ve added plugins to your side menu, you can rearrange their order by clicking on and dragging the three horizontal lines next to their names.

You can also remove them from the side menu by clicking the “X” on the other side of their name.

Note: Removing the plugin only removes it from the side menu. If you have the plugin in other areas of the app it will remain there and it doesn’t delete the plugin entirely.

Language Settings

Log in - This will allow you to enable the login button for your app. If this is disabled your users will no longer be able to log in from the side menu.

Log out - Enables the logout button in the side menu

Notifications - Allows the user to receive and view past notifications

App Settings - enables users to view their Terms of Use, Ship logs and Delete account

Search - Allows users to manually search for content. The search bar performs a Global Search of the app.

Home, Bookmarks, and Notes give your users a menu at the top of the side menu. Here users can access all saved bookmarks, view the home side menu, and access their notes.

Now you know how to create an amazing side menu for your app!

Related Articles

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to use the system to its fullest advantage:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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