Utilizing the App Store Connect API to integrate your Apple Developer Account to BuildFire is a great way to allow us to Publish your app on iOS without having to provide your Developer Credentials! The steps below will walk you through how to enable this feature.
Step 1: Set your BuildFire Account up to utilize the API Token
Log into your BuildFire Control Panel
Scroll down on the left-hand side of the Control Panel and Click on “Advanced”
Allow the side menu pop out to load and then select “App Publishing Info”
Select Click on “Edit Information” on the Apple App Store Section.
Under “Apple Account” you can now choose between two options:
Login Details - This is our traditional method where you provide your Apple Developer Username and Password
API Key - This will allow you to provide access to your developer account without sharing a username and password and allow us to push notifications without blockers due to 2-Factor authentication.
Under the API Key method, you will need to Generate the App Store Connect API Key from your Apple Developer Account. This will be covered in Step 2 below.
Step 2: Generate the App Store Connect API Key
Log into Developer.Apple.com/account as the main account holder, this cannot be done without that level of authentication.
On the screen under App Store Connect, you will click on “Users & Access”
Under here you will see “Integrations” Click on Keys
Before creating the key you will need to agree to some Apple Terms and Conditions.
After you click the check box and submit the TOU you will get this message from Apple
Once this comes up click on “Generate API Key”
Under Generate API Key you will need to Name the key and provide it an access level.
Name: Can be any name you choose - We recommend something that will allow you to remember what this is for.
The access Level should be Admin.
Once those sections are completed please click “Generate” and this will trigger the generation of the API Key.
Step 3: Obtain the API Key and Download the API file.
Once the API Key had been generated you will be taken back to your original landing page under “Keys” only this time you will see some additional items.
Issuer ID
Will be used in the BuildFire Control Panel
Will be used in the BuildFire Control Panel
You will also want to download the API Key
Note: The API Key can only be downloaded once from App Store Connect. Save this file for future use should you need it.
The API key will never expire unless its access is revoked.
Step 4: Uploaded the Certificate Token, add Issuers ID and Key ID
Go back to the Control Panel and upload your recently downloaded, remember this file is a one-time download from Apple Developer, you will not be able to download it again.
Add your Key ID
Add your Issuer ID
Press Save
This will link the API key to your app and allow us to begin publishing!
Note: If you have an existing app please make sure to select “Yes” under “Does this app already exist” If you do not select Yes, this will delay your publishing process and need to be corrected before it can be submitted to iOS for review. If you do not have an existing app keep this selected as “No”
If you do click Yes, you will want to add your apps bundle ID
Additional Resources:
How to Locate Your Android Bundle ID
If you should have any questions, please reach out to Support@buildfire.com and we will be happy to help!