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How Our Search Bar Function Can Help Users In Your App
Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

How Our Search Bar Function Can Help Users In Your App

As you may know, recently we added a search bar to our People feature allowing users to search across people listed within that feature. But users need to go to that feature in order to search it. What if I told you that we’ve now implemented a search bar that allows you to search globally across your app?

With this amazing addition to our system, users can now open your app’s side menu and search across your app for content. The search feature will find exact phrases, but it will also display similar phrases. This is great because it means your users don't have to have exact keywords to find what they're looking for. It will also take misspelled words and turn those into positive results so that people don’t have to worry about spelling something right.

This feature is currently enabled in our YouTube and RSS Feed features, but can be added to other features in our system. Global search across your app is only available on our Business level plan, so if you’re interested in learning more about this as well as the other features that are only available on that plan, please reach out to us here:

One of our App Specialists will be more than happy to discuss this with you!

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In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to use the system to its fullest advantage:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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