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What is the Action Item Folder?

In this article we’ll go over the Action Item Folder and how to use it.

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over a week ago

What is the Action Item Folder Feature?

The Action Item Folder Feature is a great alternative to the regular Folder feature if you’re looking for something just a little bit different. In this article we’ll go over the Action Item Folder and how to use it.

What are some use cases of Action Item Folder?

Some use cases of this feature include:

  • Let’s say you’re building an app for your school district and you want to have content for multiple schools in your app. You can use the Action Item Folder to point to those different schools’ content.

  • If you’re building a media-heavy app, you can use the Action Item Folder to give users a quick and easy way of accessing your content and social media pages.

  • If you’re building a sports app, you can use the Action Item Folder to display links to different teams or leagues’ content within, and outside, of your app.

What is the Action Item Folder’s primary function and what are the steps required to set it up?

Next, let’s go over the Action Item Folder’s primary function, and how to set up the feature.

The primary function of all of our Folder features is to house content, be that other features, text, images, or videos. The Action Item Folder was designed to house your app’s content in a more visually streamlined way cutting out a lot of potential visual clutter.

The Action Item Folder uses Action Items which are actions that you can add to a number of different elements in our system such as a link to another feature within your app, a link to web content, a link to email you, just to name a few. Action Items are set up using the Action Builder, and the Action Item Folder is no different. If you are unfamiliar with how to use the Action Builder, we encourage you to check out this article.

Once you know how to use the Action Builder, then you’ll know 95% of how to set up the Action Item Folder! Next, let’s go through the different sections of the Action Item Folder.

One benefit that the Action Item Folder has over the other Folder features is that you can enable a Search Bar in it which can help users quickly locate items within the feature if you have a good amount set up.

If you would like to use the Search Bar all you need to do in order to enable it is to click on the “Enable Search Bar” option.

You can also customize the text that appears within the search bar before users begin their search by typing your preferred text in the “Search Bar Text” field.

Next, let's go over the real “meat” of the app, the Action Items. Because what good is a search bar if you don’t have any items to search through?

Add Items

In this section is where you’ll set up all of the Action Items that will appear in the Action Item Folder.

To begin adding your first Action, click on “Add Action Item”.

In order to set up an action two things are required: The Action and the Action Item Title. You can add a description if you want, though it’s not required. Even though it’s not required, adding a description can help give more information about the Action that you have set up, so we highly recommend that you take advantage of that opportunity. To add an Action to the Action Item, click on “New Action”.

This will bring up the Action Builder where you can set up the Action that you want this Action Item to take.

You can only assign one Action per Action Item, but you can have as many Action Items in the Action Item Folder as you’d like.

If you would like to learn more about how to set up an Action in the Action Builder, we encourage you to check out this article.

Once you have set up an Action for your Action Item and the Button Text, click Save.

From here, give it a title, and an optional description, if you want to include one.

After that’s done click “Save”.

Congratulations! You’ve just added your first Action Item! As you add more Action Items to the Action Item Folder, you can rearrange their order by clicking and dragging these:

You can also edit a pre-existing action by clicking on “edit”, as well as delete it by clicking on the red “x” next to the Action Item.

If you included descriptions for your Actions users can show/hide them in-app:

Also if you have the Search Bar enabled, users can use it to search for Action Items within the Action Item Folder filtering out all the other Actions:

The Action Item Folder is a great tool to use for a simple, streamlined approach to navigating throughout your app and now that you know how to use it, we can’t wait to see all of the awesome ways that you’ll adapt it to your app’s needs!

What are some Pro Tips you should know about to take your app to the next level?

Having worked with apps for years, we’ve learned a thing or two. So, to both help your app stand out and accomplish your primary goals, here are some tips you should consider.

Pro Tip 1: Be Creative With The Actions That You Add

Now that you know how to set up Action Items in the Action Item Folder, we encourage you to use that knowledge to be creative with how you use those Action Items. Think of unique ways to use the Action Builder, the possibilities are almost limitless!

Pro Tip 2: Be Thoughtful Of How You Set Up Your Actions

The Action Builder is a powerful tool. Think of your user’s experience when using the actions in your app. The better planned out your actions are, the better impression of your app your users will have.

Related Articles

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to use the system to its fullest advantage:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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