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The On Demand Feature Tutorial

The On Demand Feature is a virtual job board that allows employers to post jobs and freelance workers make bids on those jobs.

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

What is the On Demand Feature?

With the On Demand feature you can add a virtual job board to your app, and if you decide to do so, charge a subscription in order for employers and job seekers to access it. In this article we’ll go over how to set up the feature in the App Dashboard, how employers create jobs in the On Demand feature, and how job seekers can make bids on jobs.

What are the On Demand Feature’s primary functions and what are the steps to accomplish them?

As we mentioned earlier, the On Demand feature allows users to post jobs and make bids on available jobs. Let’s first go over how to set up the On Demand Feature in the App Dashboard, then we’ll go over how users interact with the feature in your app.

How To Set Up The On Demand Feature In The App Dashboard

While users create jobs in-app, setting up the On Demand Feature in the App Dashboard beforehand can help give your users the best experience possible and can help set them up for success. 

The Content Tab

When you first open the On Demand Feature in the App Dashboard you’ll see the feature’s Content Tab which has three sections:

  • Skills

  • Jobs

  • Employees


In the Skills section you can add different skills such as Graphic Design, Web Design, UX/UI Design, etc. to the feature. You can think of these as “categories” as when a user goes to create a job they’ll first need to select what skill it lands under, and these skills help filter out jobs for workers who don’t have that skill. To add a new skill click on “Add Skill”:

This will open a new window where you can type in the skill’s name and click “Save” to add it to the list of skills in your On Demand Feature.


In the Jobs section you’ll be able to see all of the jobs added to the On Demand Feature by users over time.

If you would like to see more information about a particular job, you can click on it and more detailed information on the job will appear, as well as a timeline of the job’s history.


In the Employees section you can view all users who have signed up looking for jobs. You can see their name, email, and contact phone number here:

If a user is abusing the system you can permanently remove them from the feature by clicking the “X” next to them on the list.

You can also find additional information on a job seeker by clicking on their entry in the list.

The Settings Tab

The Settings Tab allows you to set up some additional settings for the On Demand feature. In it you’ll see three sections:

  • Phrases

  • Payment & API Keys

  • Chat & Support


In the Phrases section of the Settings Tab you can alter the text displayed in the On Demand Feature.

If you would like to change a section’s phrases, simple click on the edit icon next to it which will open up a window with all of the related phrases:

Type in the text that you’d like to use and click “Save”:

Payment & API Keys

In this section you can set up a subscription in Stripe and in turn sell access to the On Demand feature. If you would like to do this, you’ll need to set up the subscription in Stripe and add the Public Key, Plan ID, and Plan Cost to the app dashboard:

The BuildFire API Key will allow you to add more integration in the feature. 

The Google Maps API Key gives you the ability to verify job’s addresses using Google Maps. If you would like to learn how to obtain your Google API key we encourage you to check out this article.

If you would like to force users to sign up for the subscription that you set up in Stripe, you can check the box next to “Require Subscription” and if you would like to manually approve job seekers before they can make bids for jobs then you can check the box next to “Require Approval”.

Chat & Support

In this section you can pair the On Demand feature with a Premium Social Wall to allow job seekers and job makers to chat with each other in the “Chat” section. If you would like to learn more about the Premium Social Wall, you can do so here.

If you would like to give users a way to contact you with support questions, you can set up an action in the “Support” section.

That action can be anything from sending you an email, direct users to your website, or provide a support phone number. You can learn more about Action Items and the Action Builder in this article.

Next we’ll go over how users create jobs and make bids for them in the On Demand feature.

How Users Create Jobs In The On Demand Feature

When a user first opens the On Demand feature they’ll see two options:

If they want to post a job to the On Demand feature they’ll select “I need work done”.

Note: if a user chooses this option they won’t be able to make bids on jobs listed in the On Demand feature.

Here’s the process that a user goes through to post a job:

Step 1: The User Clicks On “Add New Job”

Step 2: The User Selects The Skill That Their Job Falls Under

After clicking “Add New Job” the user will be brought to the list of skills that you created in the app dashboard.  They’ll proceed to select the skill that their job falls under.

Note: Users can only choose one skill per job.

Step 3: The User Fills Out The Job’s Information

Next the user will fill out the job’s information by entering in the following information:

  • The Job’s Title

  • The Job’s Description

  • The Job’s Budget

  • The Job’s Location (Address)

  • The Job’s Timeframe

Step 4: The User Fills Out Their Contact Info

After they have filled out the job’s information, they’ll be asked to enter in their name, phone number, and email address so that job seekers can get in contact with them.

Step 5: The User Reviews The Job’s Information And Clicks “Post Job”

Next the user will review the job’s information and their contact info once more before posting the job.

Once the job is posted it will appear in the “Open Jobs” section:

Open Jobs are jobs that either don’t have any bids yet, or a bid hasn’t been approved for the job. Once a bid on a job has been accepted it will move into the “Upcoming Jobs” section.

The user will also see a couple of other job sections in the app:

Completed - These jobs have been completed by the worker with the winning bid.

Cancelled - These jobs were either cancelled by the job’s creator or the job’s worker.

Expired - These jobs are jobs that either no bids were made on them by the due date, or none of the bids were accepted by that time.

How Users Search For Jobs In The On Demand Feature

If a user is looking to take on jobs they’ll select “I am a worker”.

Note: We mentioned this before, but if a user chooses this option they won’t be able to create jobs to post to the On Demand feature.

Here’s the process that a user goes through to make a bid on a job:

Step 1: The User Fills Out Their Information

When a job seeker first opens the On Demand feature they’ll be asked to set up their profile in the feature. The first step in this process is picking their skillset from the list of skills that were set up for the feature:

They then fill out a short description of themselves as well as their contact information.

Step 2: The User Will Find Available Jobs Under “Find Jobs”

Once the user has selected their skills and filled out their information they’ll see all of the available open jobs that match their listed skills under “Find Jobs”.

If they’re interested in a job all they need to do to apply for it is tap on its listing and select “Submit Proposal”.

This will allow them to send an offer to the job’s creator. Once this is done the job will move to the “Pending” section of the On Demand feature.

Step 3: The User Will Complete The Job Once Their Proposal Is Approved

After the job’s creator approves that user’s proposal the job will move over to the “My Jobs” section where they’ll be able to see all of their jobs, both current and completed.

Once a job is completed the job’s creator has the option to rate the worker who did the job which can help them get more jobs in the On Demand feature.

Congratulations! You now know how to set up the On Demand feature and how it’s used in your app. If you would like to get in contact with one of our App Specialists to learn more about adding this feature to your app, we encourage you to reach out to us at:

Where one of our App Specialists will be more than happy to discuss this with you.

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