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What is the Content Scheduler Feature?

The Content Scheduler allows you to organize content in your app into categories which can be available all at once, or released over time.

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

What is the Content Scheduler Feature?

Simply put, the Content Scheduler is a feature that allows you to organize content in your app into categories. In these categories you can set a timed release of some or all of that category’s content. This allows you to set up content that’s released over a period of time which is perfect for apps that want to offer timed content such as daily or weekly plans. In this article we’ll go over how to use the Content Scheduler in your app.

What are some use cases of Content Scheduler Feature?

While there’s many uses for the Content Scheduler feature, some use cases of this feature include:

  • Personal Trainer/Fitness Apps - Personal Trainers can use this feature to release daily or weekly workout routines.

  • Church Apps - Churches can send out timed released content for small or life groups which is perfect if your church is going through a lesson series, or a book of the Bible.

  • Educational Apps - Educators can use this feature to send out content during the Summer break to keep students engaged in what they learned the previous school year.

  • Nutritional/Diet Apps - Nutrition and Diet based apps can use this feature along with our in-app subscriptions to send out weekly meal plans to their subscribers.

What is the Content Scheduler Feature’s primary function and what are the steps to accomplish it?

As we mentioned earlier, you can use the Content Scheduler to categorize content in your app, and if you’d like, set up a timed release for that content. 

How To Create A Category And Add Content To It

Step 1: Click “Add Category”

In order to create a category you’ll need to click “Create Category”:

This will bring you to the Category creation screen:

Step 2: Give The Category A Name And Background Image

Next you’ll need to give the Category a Name and a Background Image:

Step 3: Add Features To The Category

Now that you have named your Category and have given it a background image, you’ll want to add the Features that you want listed in that Category. To do this click “Add Feature”:

Once you have added a feature to the category if you would like to edit their appearance or set a timed release for the feature click the pencil icon next to it:

Doing so with take you to the Feature Editing screen where you can make changes to that Feature’s listing in the Category. Here you can add an image to represent that Feature in the “Feature Image” field:

Give a description of the feature in the “Description” field:

And give the content a start date for when you want it to start being available, as well as an end date if you would like to remove access to that feature after a certain date:

Once you have made all the changes to the Feature’s listing that you’d like to click “Save”:

Step 4: Click “Save” in the Category Edit Screen

After you’ve added all of the Features that you’d like to the Category and set up their listings, click “Save” at the bottom of the Category Edit screen to save that Category and its contents.

You now know how to set up Categories in the Content Scheduler feature! Next we’ll go over a couple of miscellaneous settings that you can tweak to help individualize the Content Scheduler to your app.

Additional Settings

Here are some additional settings that you can change to help individualize the Content Scheduler to your app:


The title is the text that appears above the Categories that you add to the Content Scheduler feature. By default it says “Categories”, but you can change this to anything you’d like such as “Lessons” or “Plans” or if you’d like, you can leave this blank and no text will appear above the Categories icons in the feature.

No Items Message

This is the message that comes up if there’s no Categories or Content to display and the feature does require some form of message to be included in this field.

Remember Last Visited Category

The Remember Last Visited Category setting allows you to tell your app to remember the last Category that they visit when viewing the Content Scheduler. This is perfect for apps offering weekly or daily plans as it helps the user stay on track with the plan. To enable this simply select “True”: 

Congratulations! You now know how to use the Content Scheduler feature! We know that there was a lot to cover, but we hope this article helped! If you would like to get in contact with one of our App Specialists to learn more about adding this feature to your app, we encourage you to reach out to us at:

Where one of our App Specialists will be more than happy to discuss this with you.

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