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Document Manager Stats Feature Tutorial
Document Manager Stats Feature Tutorial

The Document Manager Stats feature works with the Free Text Questionnaire to give users a daily score, stats, and streaks over time.

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

What is the Document Manager Stats Feature?

The Document Manager Stats Feature works in tandem with the Free Text Questionnaire to give users an incentive to take the questionnaire on a daily basis. Over time, users can see different statistics such as their daily score, average score over the past thirty days, average score overall, what their current daily streak, and what their longest streak is.

This is a great way to not only gamify parts of your app, but this can also help encourage daily user interaction in your app. In this article, we’ll go over a couple of ways that the feature can be used in different types of apps, how to set it up, how it’s used within your app, some pro tips that we think will help, as well as links to a couple of related articles. First let’s go over some of the use cases for the Document Manager Stats feature.

Note: Before going any further, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Free Text Questionnaire feature, as it’s required in order to use the Document Manager Stats feature within your app. You can learn about that feature in this article.

What are some use cases of the Document Manager Stats Feature?

There are a number of different types of apps that can benefit from users being able to see their scores and streaks over time. Some use cases of this feature are:

  • Church Apps: You can use this feature along with the Free Text Questionnaire to encourage users to read their Bible daily. The daily streaks can show them how many consecutive days that they’ve read passages and the ability for users to see their answers to the questionnaire’s questions can help them see their spiritual growth over time.

  • Educational Apps: Teachers can use this feature to help their students track their progress over times of the year when school isn’t in session such as summer break or during the school year. This can be used with all kinds of classes such as having daily reading goals for English classes.

  • Fitness and Nutrition Apps: With this feature you can help your users track their workout routines over time. If you have a nutrition app, you can also use this to help people track their weight loss progress.

  • Internal Use Apps: If your company is performing some internal training courses, you can use this feature to help your employees track their progress through the courses and test their retention of the training materials.

What is the Document Manager Stats Feature’s primary function and what are the steps to accomplish it?

As we mentioned before, the primary function of the Document Manager Stats feature is to give your users a way to see their daily streak, average score, and their answers over time to whatever Free Text Questionnaire feature that you pair it with. First let’s go over how to set it up, then we’ll go over how it’s used within your app.

How to set up the Document Manager Stats Feature

Setting up the Document Manager Stats Feature is extremely easy! Here’s the steps to set it up:

Step 1: Create a Free Text Questionnaire

Before you set up the Document Manager Stats feature you’ll need to make sure you have a Free Text Questionnaire feature set up first. If you’ve already set up a Free Text Questionnaire feature, then you can proceed to the next step.

If you haven’t already done this, then you’ll need to create a new instance of the feature from the Feature Marketplace. You’ll also need to add questions and answers to the feature, otherwise the Document Manager Stats feature won’t have anything to base its average scores on. If you don’t know how to create a new instance of a feature from the Marketplace, we encourage you to check out this article.

Step 2: Set the “Save Submissions to App Data” setting of the Free Text Questionnaire to “On”

While you’re in your Free Text Questionnaire, click on the “Settings” tab of the feature editor and scroll to the bottom of the options listed:

There, you’ll see the “Save Submissions to App Data” setting. Select “On”. Doing so will allow the Document Manager Stats feature to retain your user’s answers to the questionnaire and allows it to provide them with a history of their responses over time.

Step 3: Create an instance of the Document Manager Stats feature

Now that you’ve set up a Free Text Questionnaire feature, the next step is to create an instance of the Document Manager Stats feature and place it where you’d like it to be within your app.

Step 4: Connect the Free Text Questionnaire that you set up with the Document Manager Stats feature

When you’re looking at the feature editor of the Document Manager Stats feature, you’ll see a green “Select” button:

Click this to bring up a list of the features that you’ve created for your app. Select the Free Text Questionnaire feature that you’d like to pair with the Document Manager Stats feature and click “Apply”:

Step 5: (Optional) Set if you want to show the user’s score and if you want to allow them to take the questionnaire more than once per day

Once you’ve paired the Documents Manager Stats feature with a Free Text Questionnaire feature, you’re done with the initial set up. Above that, you have the option to enable or disable users’ scores from being displayed and choosing whether or not to allow them to the questionnaire multiple times a day. You can do this by clicking on the “On” and “Off” switches next to these two settings:

Now that you know how to set up the Document Manager Stats feature, let’s go over how it’s used within your app.

How the Document Manager Stats Feature is used within your app

When a user goes to the Document Manager Stats feature in your app, they’ll see a mini dashboard that displays their daily streak and average score over time (if you enabled that in the feature):

To take the questionnaire, all they need to do is tap on the plus (+) button in the lower right hand corner of the app:

This will take them through the questionnaire that you paired with the Document Manager Stats feature:

Once they have completed the questionnaire, they’ll be brought back to the Document Manager Stats feature’s dashboard. As they take the questionnaire over time, their daily streak and average score will automatically update themselves. If they miss a day, their daily streak goes back down to zero. They’re also able to see their answers to the questionnaire in the feature which is a great way for them to compare their responses over time:

Now that you know how to set up the Document Manager Stats feature and how it’s used in your app, let’s go over some Pro Tips that we think will help you utilize this awesome feature.

What are some Pro Tips you should know to help take your app to the next level?

Having worked with apps for years, we’ve learned a thing or two. So, to both help your app stand out and help you take full advantage of the Document Manager Stats feature, here are some tips you should consider.

Pro Tip 1: Get creative with how you use the Free Text Questionnaire

If you think about it, the main use for the Document Manager Stats feature is all dependent on how you decide to use the Free Text Questionnaire feature. The more creative the questionnaire is, the more motivated people will be to use the Document Manager Stats feature.

Pro Tip 2: Use this feature along with the Free Text Questionnaire feature to help encourage user interaction and engagement in your app

The best way to get people to use your app on a regular basis is to make it as interactive and enticing as possible. When you pair the Document Manager Stats feature and the Free Text Questionnaire feature together, allowing users to rack up daily streaks and see their answers over time is a great way to add these elements to your app!

Pro Tip 3: You can adjust the phrases within the Documents Manager Stats feature

If you click on the “Language” tab of the Document Manager Stats’ feature editor, you’ll see all of the different phrases within the feature that you can change:

If you make any changes in this section, make sure you click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to save your settings:

Pro Tip 4: You can have multiple Free Text Questionnaire and Document Manager Stats features within your app

If you would like to have more than one questionnaire in your app, you’re welcome to do so! Along with that, you can have multiple Document Manager Stats features. Just make a different instance of the Document Manager Stats feature for each Questionnaire feature that you have. Then, ensure you pair the correct Free Text Questionnaire feature to the correct Document Manager Stats feature so that it tracks the stats correctly.

What are some related articles?

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to best use our system:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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