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Introduction Screens- What are they and how to use them
Introduction Screens- What are they and how to use them

How to Article on how to use Introduction Slides

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

In today's digital age, slides are an essential tool for delivering effective presentations. Whether you're a student, a business professional, or a public speaker, slides can help you convey your message with clarity and impact.

So, what exactly are slides? Slides are a series of digital or physical pages that display text, images, graphs, and other visual aids to support your presentation. They're typically arranged in a sequential order, making it easy for you to guide your audience through your presentation and keep them engaged.

With Intro screens, this is a great way to set the expectations and tone of your app through personalized images and text. In the steps below, we'll show you how to set them up!

Step 1: From your Control Panel, navigate to App Components on the left hand side, and select Intro Screens.

Step 2: Click Add New Screen

Step 3: Customize your screen using the configurable fields. Here, you can input text and set a solid or gradient background. Alternatively, you may also upload a preferred image to be your background.

Step 4: Add images and/or additional body text. This can be used to add additional information, promotional content, or just simple design enhancements for your liking. These images can be logos, instructions, or anything else you'd like to add.

Step 5: Click Save. Once saved, your intro screen is complete and you may add additional slides if needed.

When you add additional slides, you will see a page indicator within the emulator as well as the live application.

Using slides effectively requires some planning and preparation. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your slide presentation:

  1. Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering your slides with too much information. Stick to the main points and use visual aids to support your message.

  2. Use a consistent theme: Choose a theme or color scheme that aligns with your brand or message and use it consistently throughout your slides.

  3. Include visuals: Images and graphics can help illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged.

  4. Practice your delivery: Practice your presentation several times before delivering it to your audience. This will help you feel more confident and ensure that your presentation flows smoothly.

  5. Engage your audience: Ask questions, encourage participation, and use interactive elements to keep your audience engaged and interested.

By following these tips, you can create an effective slide presentation that will help you deliver your message with impact and clarity. Whether you're giving a business presentation or sharing your research findings with your colleagues, slides can help you communicate your ideas effectively and make a lasting impression.

Congratulations! You've now learned how to utilize and setup your intro screens. There a variety of ways to utilize these, so be creative; the possibilities are endless!

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