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Card Manager

Scan, save, manage, and access barcodes within the app.

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

What is the Card Manager Plugin?

The Card Manager plugin allows app users to scan and save various membership cards into a digital wallet. This feature eliminates the need for users to carry around a physical card.

Barcodes are scanned using the device’s camera and then automatically saved within the app.

Users have the ability to name and manage their cards in the app. It provides them with quick and easy access to membership cards, customer loyalty cards, and more.

Common Use Cases of the Card Manager Plugin

The potential use cases of Card Manager can be applied to a wide range of businesses. Any type of scannable barcode or QR code can be saved. Examples include:

  • Customer loyalty cards

  • Gym membership cards

  • Class passes

  • Daily passes or free trials

  • Grocery store memberships

  • Identification cards

For example, let’s say you’re running a fitness app. When an app user signs up for a gym membership, they can scan the membership card into the app using the Card Manager feature. Then they can just use their smartphone to check into the gym during each visit instead of carrying the physical card with them.

How to Use the Card Manager Plugin

For app users, using the card manager plugin is very straightforward.

Step #1: Scan the Barcode

Once users open the Card Manager feature, all they need to do is click “Scan” to continue. This will use the device’s camera to scan the barcode.

Step #2: Name the Card

After the card has been scanned, users will automatically be prompted to name it. Here’s an example named “My gym pass.”

Step #3: Manage the Cards

All of the user’s cards will appear in their digital wallet within the app. Users can easily access a card by clicking on the name and remove it from their wallet by clicking the “X” button.

Here’s an example of what the card wallet might look like, including the sample “My gym pass” added to the bottom:

Admin Features and Settings

Managing the plugin on the admin side is equally simple. Here are a few of the main settings you should be comfortable with:

Background Image

To change your background image, navigate to the “Design” tab of your admin dashboard. Then click the “+” icon, as pictured below:

From here, you can upload a custom image or search through our library of stock images. Then select a background that best fits the use case for your app and card manager.


Admins have the ability to enable a feature called “Auto Open (if single card).”

This means that if an app user only has one barcode saved in the app, that card will automatically open when the user navigates to Card Manager. This eliminates a step in the process for users to access their single barcode.

Admins can also select the barcode format. Options include:


  • CODE_128

  • CODE_93

There are more code types that can be implemented if you need something else. Just reach out to the support team for assistance.

Custom Text

To change the default text on the screen, navigate to the “Language” tab of your WYSIWYG app editor. From here, you’ll have full control over the welcome message and instructions for managing cards within the app.

Like the rest of the WYSIWYG editor, anything you write or change on the editor will reflect in the app:

Pro Tip: Put the Card Manager feature in your app’s side menu, so users have quick and easy access to the feature.

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