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Locations Plugin

In this article we'll go over how to use it and how to add places to the Locations Plugin

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over a week ago

What is the Locations feature?

The locations feature allows you to display various locations or points of interest. You are able to create multiple categories where you can add the locations so your users can refine their search to access what is most relevant to them. Each location that is added to the Locations feature will share helpful information about the places/locations/points to your users.

What are some use cases of the Locations feature?

  • A restaurant that has multiple locations or a church that has different campus locations.

  • You can use this feature to showcase points of interest for a city tour

  • If you have a convention event, you can use this feature to showcase restaurants or hotels to stay at around the event.

There are three main sections in the Location feature. These sections include Categories, Locations, and Introductions. In this article, we will go steps on how to create categories, add locations, and how enable an introduction for this feature.

Migrating from Places 2.0

If you are migrating from Place 2.0, please scroll down to the end of this article to learn how to move your existing locations data. The locations feature allows you to import your Places 2.0 data using a CSV file. This will save you time and energy and will provide a seamless transition to the Location features.

How to Add Categories

Categories are what your users will use to refine their search so that they see only the types of locations they are looking for. This will make places easier to find. They can be set up however you’d like according to your use case, whether that is by geographical region (e.g. Downtown, Midtown, East Village, etc.), type of establishment (Schools, Hospitals, Restaurants, etc.), type of genre (e.g. Fine Dining, Casual, Breakfast, etc.), or any others you can think of.


In the locations plugin, you now can search based on three options:

  • All - Retrieves all locations.

  • User Position - Retrieves locations based on their distance to the user's current location.

  • Local Area - Retrieves locations based on their distance to a location and area radius selected by the Admin.

    Once you navigate to the locations plugin you will be able to see the list of locations.

Click on Introduction and scroll down you will see the options that can be used to arrange the location.

Local Area: Will show locations sound selected local area

To sort locations these options can be used

Distance: based on how far it is from the user’s location

Alphabetical: A-Z

Newest: the newest added location will appear first

Step 1: Select the Categories section

This page will allow you to create new Categories. At least one category is required for you to add a location.

Step 2: Click "Add Category"

After clicking on the "Add Category" button, you will see a page that will allow you to create a new category. Select an icon and type in a title and click save.

You will see an option to add in a sub-category. This is a great option if you would like to further narrow the category down. For example, you can have a Restaurant category and have sub-categories for fast-food, fast-casual, casual dining, Cafes. etc.

Step 3: Click 'Save'.

Now you will see the category listed. Add as many categories, you would like. The more categories you have, the better it is for your users to filter the locations.

How to add Locations

After you have added at least one category, you are now ready to Add locations.

Step 1: Select the Locations

On this page, you will add a list of locations to display on a map.

Step 2: Click on the 'Add Locations' button.

On this page, you will need to add the following information:

  • Location title

  • Location Address

  • Location Categories

  • List Image

  • Description

Step 3: Add Location Title and Location Address

After adding a location address the map will update showing the place you have added.

Here you will also have an option to pin the location. Pinned locations are showcased on the Introduction screen. For more information about the Introduction screen, please scroll down to the next section.

Step 4: Click Edit Location Categories and click the toggle button to give the location a category.


After adding a category to the location. You have an option to enable Opening Hours, Price Range, and 5 Star Rating. This additional information is great for retail stores, restaurants, and museums.

How to Add an Introduction

The Introduction screen is a way to highlight your locations and to give additional information to your users. This is a great place to offer insights into the locations, provide your favorites, and display your pinned locations.

You are able to add an image carousel showcasing the places you have added. A description section is where you can inform your users what to expect while using this plugin.

Pinned Locations

When adding a new location, there is an option to pin the location. This is where it will show up. These locations can highlight your favorite places, hidden gems, or popular spots.

To add a pin to an existing location, navigate back to the Location section and click on the pencil (edit) icon. You will see a section to add a pin.

Existing users migrating from Places 2.0

Locations features give you an option to move over the places data you have by exporting and importing a CSV file,

Step 1: Go into your Places 2.0 feature and slick the Locations tab

Step 2: Above the list of your places, click on 'Export CSV'

Step 3: Navigate to your Locations feature.

If you have not created a new location feature, navigate to App Components -> Marketplace and search for 'Locations'. Add the feature by clicking on the plus button.

Step 4: Go to the Locations section and click on 'Bulk Action'

Here you have the option to download a template, export, or import a CSV file.

Step 5: Click on 'Import' and select the exported CSV file.

You have now successfully imported locations.

Still, have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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