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Rate Me Plugin

New feature designed to gather valuable feedback from users on different topics

Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

What is the Rate Me plugin?

The Rate Me plugin allows you to add different types of items for your users to rate. This can be used for people, services, or products to gather valuable feedback from your users.

Note: You can give users the ability to add items for other users to rate as well.

How do you set up the Rate Me plugin?

Step 1: Provide permissions to your users

In the Settings tab, you will see a section named “User Tags” along with a button labeled “+Add Tags.”

This is where you will provide users access to post items to be rated by other users.

If you do not add any tags, all users will see a small green circle with a plus in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen they can press to add an item.

If you would like to limit this feature for certain users, you would click on the button “+Add Tags” and click and add the user tags you require users to have in order to post items.

Note: if a tag is added then any user without that specific tag will not see the option to add an item.

Step 2: Adjust the verbiage

In the Language tab, you can edit different line items to the verbiage you prefer your users to see to help guide them through their Rate Me plugin experience.

Step 3: Add your item to be rated

As the admin, you will be able to add items for rating and review either through the Control Panel or through the Add Button on the emulator.

In the Content tab of the Rate Me plugin, you will see a text WYSIWYG box where you will be able to add all of the information about the item you want to be rated.

As a user, you will click on the Add Button in the bottom right-hand corner of the plugin. From there you will be able to enter the item name and add an image.

After you will click Next to add a subtitle and then to add your description. Finally, click Add Item to post your item to be rated.

Step 4: Interact with items posted

Click on the menu (the three dots) on the top right corner of a post to see your additional functions.

Note: if you click on the menu of a post you created, you will be able to update that item.

Click on the stars of a post to provide ratings and reviews of that item (person, service, product, etc).

Additional Features:

Abuse Reports

Each post will have the option to Report Abuse as a layer of security. If a user has reported abuse on any item, you will be receiving that report in the new section called Abuse Reports within your Control Panel.

All abuse reports will be managed here. When reviewing a report you will have a check and an “X” option. Click on the check if you deem the post not worthy of removal. Click on the “X” if you would like to remove that post from the Rate Me plugin and a confirmation pop up will appear.

Note: the Check means Mark as Safe, the “X’ means remove post.


You will have access to a search bar on top of the Rate Me plugin. Utilize this search bar to easily find posts you would like to review and rate!

If you have any questions about the Rate Me plugin, please reach out to

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