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Calendly Plugin Tutorial

The Calendly Plugin is a great way to sync your Calendly calendar to your app!

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over 4 years ago

What is the Calendly Plugin?

The Calendly Plugin is a great way to sync your Calendly calendar to your app!

Calendly is an online scheduling platform that lives up to their “simple, beautiful” slogan. They provide you with a Dashboard that is simple and easy to navigate as you’re creating and editing Event Types.

Our plugin allows you to integrate your Calendly Calendar into the app which will allow your users to quickly schedule an appointment with you.

If you do not have a Calendly account yet, click here to learn about how to get started!

What are some use cases of Calendly Plugin?

Some use cases of this feature include:

  • If you are building a Real Estate app, the Calendly Plugin can help connect Real Estate Agents with clients to schedule open houses.

  • If you are a Consultant, the Calendly Plugin can help future prospects schedule a meeting with you.

  • If you are a Tutor, the Calendly Plugin can assist those who you help to easily set up appointments.

What is the Calendly Plugin’s primary function and what are the steps to accomplish it?

The Calendly Plugin allows you to sync your Calendly calendar to your app.

How to Sync your Calendly calendar

Step 1: Type in the Name of your Calendar

Clear the “Calendar” field and type in the name of your calendar as shown in your Calendly link.

This will auto-populate the “link” field.

As an example, if your Calendly calendar’s link is “”, you would type in “Samplecalendar” with no spaces. After doing this, you’ll see the calendar’s link appear in the “Link” field.

Step 2: Verify your Calendly’s Calendar Name has been entered in correctly

To make sure you’ve typed in your Calendly’s calendar name correctly, just click on “Validate”.

You should see a green bar show up that says “URL successfully validated” afterwards. Your Calendly calendar has now successfully been integrated into your app!

What is a great tip you should know about?

Having worked with apps for years, we’ve learned a thing or two. So, to both help your app stand out and accomplish your primary goals, here are some tips you should consider.

Pro Tip: Creating a Calendly Account is Free

Calendly has a simple and sleek dashboard, and creating an account is free! For the first 14 days, you’ll have access to premium features. If you have any questions check out their Knowledge Base.

What are some related articles?

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to use the system to its fullest advantage:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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