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Task Manager Feature Tutorial

The Task Manager Feature allows you to set up and assign tasks for yourself, or a team that you’re the head of.

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over a week ago

What is the Task Manager Feature?

With the Task Manager Feature you can set up tasks for yourself, assign tasks to your team if you’re team lead, change the status of tasks, and more. In this article we’ll go over how to set up the Task Manager Feature in the App Dashboard as well as how to use it in your app.

What do I need to do to set up the Task Manager Feature, and how do I use it in my app?

Next we’ll go over how to set up the Task Manager in the App Dashboard and how it’s used in your app.

How To Set Up The Task Manager In The App Dashboard

The majority of your interaction with the Task Manager is done in-app, but making sure that it’s set up properly in the App Dashboard will help ensure the best user experience possible for yourself and your team.

Step 1: Import Your Team

If you would like to give specific users the ability to assign tasks to other members of their team, you’ll need to set up a team in the app dashboard. You can do this by either editing the CSV template that we provide and upload it to the app dashboard:

Or manually add the team’s members by selecting “Enter Team Here”:

How To Import A Team Using The CSV Template

If you use the CSV template, in the first column of the CSV you’ll assign the team lead by entering in the email address that they use for their in-app profile. Then in the same row enter in the email of each team member in that team in the corresponding columns:

Once you have set up all of the teams that you’d like to import you can either drag and drop the edited CSV template to the upload box, or you can click the “Browse” button to locate that CSV file on your computer.

How To Manually Add A Team

If you’re manually adding a team click on “Enter team here”:

Then the first email address that you type in will be designated as the team lead. You can add team members by entering their email addresses separated by commas.

Once you have entered all of the team members click “Update”.

Regardless of if you add a team using the CSV template or manually, only the team lead will see the members of the team that they’re the head of. This is so that only they can assign tasks to individual team members. Additionally, users can be assigned to multiple teams. If a user is part of two teams and is assigned a task by both team leads, they'll see both tasks on their task wall.

You also have the option of enabling Private Mode in the “Settings” tab which will allow your users to set up tasks for themselves anonymously.

Note: Enabling Private Mode will remove the ability to set up teams in the Task Manager feature as users will only be able to assign tasks to themselves when it is enabled. 

Step 2: Link A Community Wall To The Task Manager

The next step in setting up the Task Manager Feature for your team is to link a Community Wall feature to it. This is optional, but can help assist in communication between the team members and team lead.

In order to do this, you’ll need to have at least one instance of a Community Wall created for your app. If you need help with how to create an instance of a feature in our system, we have a dedicated article on how to do so which you can find here.

If you would like to learn more about the Community Wall feature, we encourage you to check out our dedicated article about it which you can find here.

Once you have created an instance of the Community Wall go to the Settings tab of the Task Manager feature.

You’ll see a “Social Plugin” field and next to it is a magnifying glass icon. Go ahead a click on that:

This will bring up a list of all of the features that you’ve created for your app. Search for the Community Wall that you created, check the box next to it, then click “Apply”.

This will tie that Community Wall to your Task Manager feature and will allow team leads to talk one-on-one with their team members about the different tasks that have been assigned to them.

Now that you know how to set up the Task Manager, let’s go over how it’s used in your app.

How To Use The Task Manager In Your App

As we mentioned earlier, the majority of the interaction that you have with the Task Manager is done in-app. You can create tasks for yourself, assign tasks to members of your team if you’re the team leader, as well as chat with your team members about the tasks assigned to them and change a task’s status and content once it’s created.

How To Create A Task

First we’ll go over the most important part of the Task Manager: how to create a task. You can create tasks for yourself, or for members of your team if you are designated as a team lead.

How To Create A Task For Yourself

If you would like to create a task for yourself all you need to do is tap on the plus button in the lower right corner of the app:

This will bring up the task editor in your app.

Here you can give the task a title, description and due date. Simply tap on each of these fields to fill in this information. The only fields that are required are the title and description, so if you don’t want to assign a due date to a task, you don’t have to. Once you have filled out the task’s information tap on the checkmark to save those changes.

If you do decide to assign a due date to the task, once that date has passed it will change color to red.

You can always adjust a task’s content by tapping on it again.

How To Create A Task For A Team Member

If you’re a team lead and you’d like to assign a task to one of your team members you can do so by tapping on this icon:

This will open up a list of all the members of your team. Select the member that you want to assign a task to from this list.

Once a task has been created for a team member it will appear on their Task Manager wall where they’ll be able to see it as well as all other tasks assigned to them, including tasks that they created for themselves. Only team leads will be able to see who is on their team, so the team members under them won’t have access to the Task Manager walls for their fellow team members.

If you paired a Community Wall with the Task Manager, you have the ability to open a one-on-one chat with that team member where you can discuss the task.

As tasks are worked on, you and your team members can change the status of a task by tapping on the icon to the left of it:

This allows you to change the task’s status to one of four options: Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Archived.

Is There Anything Else You Should Know About The Task Manager Feature?

If you ever need to generate a list of all the tasks assigned to a team member you can do so in the App Dashboard in the “Export Tasks” section of the content tab:

To export a team member’s tasks all you need to do is enter their email address and click “Export Tasks”. 

This will generate a CSV file that has all of the information of that team member’s tasks.

Congratulations! You now know how to use the Task Manager feature! If you would like to get in contact with one of our App Specialists to learn more about adding this feature to your app, we encourage you to reach out to us at:

Where one of our App Specialists will be more than happy to discuss this with you.

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