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User Management - How To Manage Your App's Users
User Management - How To Manage Your App's Users

In this article we go over how to manage your app's users in the User Management page

Written by Amr Alshareef
Updated over 2 years ago

What is the User Management Page?

The User Management page lets you manage your user’s in-app profiles and is used in conjunction with the User Tagging page. If you would like to learn more about the User Tagging page you can do so here.

With it you can:

  • Add new user profiles to the app

  • Search for a user’s profile

  • Assign user tags to user’s profiles

  • Ban and unban users

  • Export the data of your registered users

How to access the User Management Page:

Simply go to User >> User Management

What are the different sections of the User Management Page, and how do you use them?

In-app profiles are used all throughout our system. They play an integral part in various plugins like the Community Wall, Coupon, and Loyalty plugins, and they give you the ability to send out push notifications to a custom segment of users. They also allow you to secure areas of your app with the User Tags that you apply to them.

Let’s go over the sections of the User Management page so that you can begin managing your app’s users’ profiles in no time!

User Data

In the User Data section you can download a .CSV template which allows you to upload multiple user profiles at one time. Here’s how:

Step 1: Download the User Management CSV template

Before you begin to add user profiles to your app, first you’ll need to download the .CSV template that we have created. To do this click the “Download CSV Template” link.

Note: For Safari users you will need to manually change the file-type to .CSV

Step 2: Fill out the CSV template

Once you’ve download the .CSV template, you can open the file in a number of programs. Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets are what we recommend you use.

When filling out the .CSV template, make sure you don’t add or remove any of the columns in the template, otherwise the template won’t work. The only fields that are required are email and password, and you can leave the rest blank if you want to.

Step 3: Upload the CSV template

Once you’ve added the user profile information to the .CSV template all you need to do is click on the “Import User Data” button and locate the .CSV file on your computer.

Your Users

The Your Users Section allows you to manage all of the user profiles in your app. Here is where you can search through users, apply User Tags to a user’s profile, ban a user if needed, as well as export the data of all your app’s profiles. Let’s go over this section starting with the Export Data button.

Export Data

With the “Export Data” button you can download a .CSV file that holds all of the information that users have added to their in-app profiles. This file can tell you when they signed up for a profile, what user tags are assigned to that profile, as well as their social media profiles among other information, as long as they have added it to their profile. To obtain this file, simply click on the “Export Data” button.

Note: you cannot use this .CSV file to import new users or update pre-existing user’s information as it is in a different format than the user import .CSV template.

As your app grows, so does the amount of users, and the more app users you have, the more user profiles are created. Because of this, we have given you the ability to search through the profiles registered in your app. You can search for users by name or email address.

As well as look for all users with a specific user tag.

You can also search for users who signed up between specific dates and filter the list by All Users, just Active Users, or just Banned Users.

Once you’ve set all the parameters of your search simply click “Search” and all profiles that meet the criteria will display.

User List

Right under the User Search, you’ll see the User List section where you can view all of the profiles registered to your app. Here you’ll see the user’s name, email, join date, and status (active or banned). If you would like to see an individual profile’s information all you need to do is click the user's name.

Now let’s go over the Individual User Profile Page that you’re taken to.

Individual User Profile Page

Once you click the icon next to a user’s profile status, you’ll be brought to their Individual User Profile Page. This page has two tabs called User Data and User Tags. Let’s go over the User Data tab first.

User Data

The User Data tab will tell you all of the information that they have added to their profile while in-app as well as tells you what their profile’s status is.

While a user is in your app they’ll be able to add information to their profile such as where they’re from, their bio, their phone number, their social media pages, and their website. All of this information can be added to their profile by them when they’re editing their profile while in the app and can be viewed in the User Profile Page.

You can also view their profile picture and cover image if they decide to upload one for their profile.

Here you can also ban or unban a user’s profile. To do this all you need to do is change their status from “Active” to “Banned” in the “Status” field.

Now let’s go over the User Tags tab. 

User Tags

The User Tags tab allows you to view and manage the tags added to that user’s profile. User tags can be used a number of different ways in our system. They range from helping you to get to know your users better based on which parts of the app they visit regularly to securing sections of the app based on what tags are tied to a user’s profile.

In the User Tags tab you can see how many times that user has visited areas of your app based on how many times a tag has been applied to their profile.

And you can see the first and last time the tag was applied telling you when they first accessed that portion of your app as well as when they last went there.

You can also add and remove tags from a user’s profile. If you would like to add a tag, simply type the tag that you want to assign to that profile in the “Add a tag” field and click “Add”.

Note: if you create a new user tag that wasn’t already listed in the User Tagging page, it will be automatically added to the list of tags there.

If you would like to remove a tag, all you need to do is click the “remove tag” text next to a tag.

Once you have added or removed the tag, click “Save” for your changes to be saved.

The tags are managed in the User Tagging page which is used in conjunction with the User Management page. If you would like to learn more about tag management you can do so here.

What are some Pro Tips you should know about User In-App Profiles?

Having worked with apps for years, we’ve learned a thing or two. So, to both help your app stand out and accomplish your primary goals, here are some tips you should consider.

Pro Tip 1: With In-App Profiles You Can Send Out Notifications to Custom Segments of Users

With the in-app profiles, you can set up a custom segment to send to a specific group of users, or even an individual user. If you would like to learn more about how to set up custom segments for notifications, you can do so here.

Pro Tip 2: Use In-App Profiles and User Tags to Lock Down Areas Of Your App

With the Security Tab you can use tags assigned to in-app profiles to give or restrict access to areas of your app. For example let’s say you have an app for a school and you have plugins that you want faculty to be able to see but students. You can assign a tag such as “faculty” to all teachers and staff member’s profiles and require that a user’s profile have that tag assigned to to gain access to that plugin.

Related Articles

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to use the system to its fullest advantage:

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