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Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 3: The Plugin Marketplace
Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 3: The Plugin Marketplace
Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

In this article we’ll go over what the Plugin Marketplace is and what types of plugins (Features) that you can enable in it.

The subjects covered in this article are:

  • What is the Plugin Marketplace and how to enable plugins

  • The differences between standard and premium plugins

  • What to know regarding BuildFire plugins and Third Party plugins

What is the Plugin Marketplace and how to enable plugins

The Plugin Marketplace is where you as the administrator of your White Label account can enable plugins, also known as features, to be used in your apps. You can access the Plugin Marketplace by logging-in to your White Label Admin Control Panel and clicking on the “Marketplace” tab:

You can enable any plugin you see here by clicking on the checkbox in the “include” column in that plugin’s row:

You can learn more about the plugin by clicking on “View” which will bring up a brief description of the plugin. Enabling the plugin will make it available to be used, or purchased if it’s a paid plugin, in any of your apps and all enabled plugins will appear in the “Marketplace” page found in the “Features” tab of the App Dashboard:

Note: Enabling a plugin in the Plugin Marketplace doesn’t add it to any of your apps, just the plugin marketplace in the App Dashboard. This means that enabling it will only make it available for use or purchase and you’ll still need to create instances of those plugins in your apps as you or your customers begin to create apps.

Standard vs. Premium Plugins

As you begin to enable plugins in the Plugin Marketplace you’ll notice that some are available for free while others are paid plugins being one-time purchases or on paid subscriptions. Most of the free plugins are developed by BuildFire for you to use within your apps, but some are from third-party developers, which we’ll go over in the next section.

You have access to all of the standard and premium plugins for your apps with your 1500 credit plan.*

*Please note if you are on a grandfathered white label plan, premium plugins might not be included. Please reach out to your BuildFire rep for more info.

Once the Premium plugins have been added to your account they can be enabled in Enterprise level configurations which you can do in the App Configuration tab of the Admin Control Panel:

All apps that are tied to those configurations will be able to use those Premium plugins. You may notice that some of these Premium plugins are listed in the Plugin Marketplace page. We recommend that you only enable them in the app configuration and don’t enable them there to help ensure that they are correctly enabled in your Enterprise level apps.

BuildFire Plugins vs. Third Party Plugins

Along with the paid plugins you may notice that some of the plugins that are available in the Plugin Marketplace are by Third Party developers. These third party plugins are maintained by their developers and any purchases of them go directly to the developer.

What this means is that we cannot provide you with license keys for these plugins, and any questions you have regarding these third party plugins will need to be sent to the developers as they are also in charge of answering support questions for their plugins. You can access a third party plugin’s contact information by temporarily enabling it and clicking on its listing in the Feature Marketplace of the App Dashboard where you’ll find their contact email:

Another thing to note is that unlike the BuildFire Premium plugins which are available in any app that you have tied to the Enterprise level Configuration that you enabled them in, every purchase of a third party plugin is on a one license per app basis. This means that if you want to use the same third party plugin in multiple apps you’ll need to either purchase or subscribe to the plugin multiple times, once for each app.

This concludes our third lesson where we went over the Plugin Marketplace. In our next lesson we’ll go over App Management.

Other Lessons In This Series

Now that you have completed this lesson, you can continue on to the other lessons in this series here:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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