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Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 9: Managing Your DIY System Part 3 - DIY Settings & Help Page
Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 9: Managing Your DIY System Part 3 - DIY Settings & Help Page
Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

This is the last of three articles that go over the DIY system for your white label account. In the first lesson we went over how to set up the Categories and Templates of your DIY page which is the first step your customers take when they begin creating their apps. In the second lesson we went over setting up the pricing page that’s tied to your DIY page which allows your customers to upgrade to the plan of their choice when they’re ready to publish their app to the app stores. In this lesson we’ll go over how to adjust the overall settings of your DIY page as well as setting up your App Dashboard help page.

The subjects covered in this article are:

  • The DIY page settings and what they do

  • Setting up your App Dashboard Help Page

The DIY Page Settings and What They Do

Along with the App Templates and Pricing Plans you have a couple of additional settings that you can adjust for your DIY page. You can access these by logging-in to your Admin Control Panel and clicking on “Settings” found in the “DIY Settings” tab on the left-hand side menu:

The first options that you’ll see are for optional data collection questions that you can have your customers fill out after they’ve decided on a template in your DIY page:

The Industry Data Collection Prompt asks them questions related to the industry that they work in, the Job Role Data Collection Prompt asks them about their specific job in that industry, and the Company Size Prompt asks them about how large of a company that they work for:

If you would like them to provide their phone number you can ask them to provide it by enabling the Phone Number on Registration prompt. When you enable this prompt you can also include custom text which is a great way to encourage your customers to contact you for an app consultation. You can then use that call as a way to upsell your professional design services and offer to design their app for them, for an additional fee of your choosing:

Along with that you can prompt people to provide their website with the Website on Registration prompt which you can use to your advantage when providing them with a phone consultation. With this information you can use their website to gather additional information about them and how to best sell your team’s app design:

Under the website prompt you have the option to display the pricing plans, along with their descriptions, that a template is available on when your customers select it:

This helps clarify which templates are available on each plan and can help entice people to upgrade to a higher plan if you have more enticing templates on it. Below these prompts you have the option to add custom coding script to the header and footer of your DIY page and App Dashboards. Use these options with extreme caution as we can’t offer support on any adverse effects adding your own script may cause.

Once you’ve enabled the prompts that you want to include on your DIY page, make sure to click “Save” in order for the changes to be saved:

Now that you know about the additional DIY page settings let’s go over setting up the Help Page for your App Dashboard.

Setting up your App Dashboard Help Page

Once your customers have selected the template that they want to use for their app and have registered for an account, they’ll be taken to the App Dashboard. When someone logs-in to the App Dashboard a help page is typically displayed. This is done so that people who have never built an app before can quickly learn how to use the system. You can specify which help page is displayed by going to the “Settings” tab of your Admin Control Panel and selecting “Help Page”:

Here you have three help page options:

Create a help or welcome page using the text WYSIWYG editor:

Use the help page that we offer which links to our non-branded knowledge base by checking the box next to “Would you like to embed a public page into your help page?” and pasting the URL into the URL field:

Or if you have your own help page you can use that instead by pasting its URL into that field. Along with that you can control the max height in pixels of the embedded page. Regardless of which option you choose make sure to click “Save” to save your changes:

Congratulations! You now know how to fully set up your DIY page and the App Dashboard help page! This concludes the third DIY System lesson. In our next lesson we’ll go over setting up your white label website.

Other Lessons In This Series

Now that you have completed this lesson, you can continue on to the other lessons in this series here:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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