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Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 8: Managing Your DIY System Part 2 - Pricing Plans
Setting Up Your White Label Account Lesson 8: Managing Your DIY System Part 2 - Pricing Plans
Tim Tietz avatar
Written by Tim Tietz
Updated over a week ago

This is the second of three articles that go over the DIY system for your white label account. In the first lesson we went over how to set up Categories and Templates of your DIY page which is the first step for your customers to begin creating their apps. In this lesson we’ll go over setting up the pricing page that’s tied to your DIY page which allows your customers to upgrade to the plan of their choice from your list of payment options which is the last step they take before submitting their apps to be published. The third lesson goes over how to adjust the overall settings of the DIY system.

The subjects covered in this article are:

  • Deciding which payment system to use

  • Setting up your pricing plans using Recurly

  • Setting up your pricing plans using a service other than Recurly

Deciding which payment system to use

Before you set up pricing for your White Label account you’ll need to first decide which payment system you want to use. There’s many out there that you can utilize such as PayPal, Stripe, or Recurly. We recommend that you look into these and decide on which one you want to use for your business.

Which system you choose to use will determine how you set up the pricing page for your DIY page. We have built integration with Recurly specifically into our system as it’s what we use for our customers and offer that same integration to you if you want to use it, but you can use another system if you’d like.

Once you have decided on a payment system we recommend that you go ahead and create an account with that service so that you can set up the payment plans that you’re going to offer. We’ll go over how to tie these plans to your White Label account in just a moment. After you’ve set up an account with the payment system of your choice you can access the pricing settings of your DIY system by logging-in to your Admin Control Panel and clicking on “Pricing Plan” found in the “DIY Settings” tab on the left-hand side menu:

Now that you’re at the pricing settings for your DIY page the next choice you have to make is if you want to use the pre built Pricing Page that we offer, or if you want to use your own. If you want to use your own pricing page click on the “Your own separate pricing page” button and enter in the URL for your pricing page here:

Note: if you’re going to use Recurly, we highly recommend that you use the built in pricing page that we offer as it will give your customers a more seamless experience when upgrading their app.

Next, let’s go over how to set up your pricing page using Recurly, then we’ll go over how to set it up using another payment system.

Setting up your pricing plans using Recurly

If you are unfamiliar with Recurly, it is a payment system that makes it extremely easy to set up recurring payments, be them monthly or annual. You can learn more about the system on their website. If you decide to go with Recurly you’ll need to make sure that you’re on a paid subscription with them before proceeding. Along with that we recommend that you set up the pricing plans that you want to offer in Recurly so that you quickly tie it into your DIY page.

Once you’ve signed up for an account and created pricing plans in Recurly, go into the Pricing Plan page of your DIY Settings and choose “Yes” next to “Are you using Recurly?”:

Then fill out the Plans Currency, Private Key, Public Key, and Subdomain fields:

The currency that you choose should be the same as the default currency that you have set in your Recurly account. The Private and Public Keys are API keys that you can find in your Recurly account that allow our system to communicate with theirs. If you don’t have Private and Public keys in your Recurly account then you’ll need to generate them in your Recurly account. The subdomain that you should use can also be found within your Recurly account. You don’t need to enter in the full Recurly URL, just the subdomain. So for example if your Recurly url is then you just need to enter in “mywlbusiness”.

Once you’ve tied your Recurly account to your White Label account you can begin setting up the plan configurations for the payment page. If you haven’t already set up the plans that you want to offer in your Recurly account we highly recommend doing so before proceeding. Once you’ve set up your plans in Recurly you can begin to add them to your White Label account’s pricing page. To do this click on the “Add New Plan” button:

This will open up the plan editor window where you’ll add in the information for each plan such as plan name, cost, and a short description:

Two important things to note are the Upgrade Configuration and Recurly Plan drop down menus. The Upgrade Configuration is where you set which configuration that plan will upgrade the customer’s app to. So if that plan is for customers who are looking to upgrade to a Professional level app, then you’ll need to make sure to assign a Professional level configuration to that plan.

The Recurly Plan drop down will display all of the plans that you set up in your Recurly account. This is where you tie this plan’s listing to the plan in your Recurly account that corresponds with it. So using the example above, if the customer wants to upgrade to your Professional level plan then make sure you select the plan from Recurly that goes with that pricing tier.

You can adjust a couple of other settings for the plan and once you’re done click “Save” at the bottom of the Plan Editor to save your changes:

Congratulations! You’ve just added your first plan to your pricing page! Follow the steps above to add the rest of your pricing plans to your pricing page, then once you’re done click “Save” at the bottom of the Pricing Plan page to complete your changes.

Setting up your pricing plans using a service other than Recurly

While Recurly is a great payment system, it may not be the best option for everyone. If you would prefer to use a different payment system than Recurly, here’s how to set up your Pricing Page with a payment system different than Recurly.

Earlier in this lesson we mentioned that after you’ve decided on which payment system to use the next choice you’ll need to make is if you want to use our built in pricing page or your own. If you choose to use your own page go ahead and select “Your own separate pricing page” in the “Pricing Page” section and enter in the URL for your pricing page in the URL field:

Even if you’re using your own payment page, you’ll still need to set up plans in the “Plan Configurations” section so that you can generate the webhooks needed to correctly redirect your customers back to their app once they’re done signing up for a plan in your pricing page.

If you want to use our built in pricing page select “Built in pricing page” then choose “No” next to “Are you using Recurly?”:

Once you’ve decided if you want to use your own pricing page or the page that we offer, you can begin to set up your plans in the “Plan Configuration” section.

Note: please make sure you have the pricing plans that you want to offer set up in the payment system that you’re choosing to use before proceeding.

To create a new plan click on the “Add New Plan” button:

This will open up the plan editor window where you’ll add in the information for your plan such as plan name, cost, and a short description:

Select the configuration that the plan will upgrade the customer’s app to in the “Upgrade Configuration” drop down menu. You’ll also need to grab the URL for that plan from the pricing system that you chose. Most payment systems should provide you with unique URLs for each plan that you set up in them:

Here’s you’ll be able to grab the Webhook and Redirect URLs for that plan which you can use in your payment system to automatically redirect your customers back to their app once they’ve completed the payment process.

Once you’re done setting up the plan click “Save” at the bottom of the Plan Editor to save your changes:

Congratulations! You’ve just added your first plan to your pricing page! Follow the steps above to add the rest of your pricing plans to your pricing page, then once you’re done click “Save” at the bottom of the Pricing Plan page to complete your changes.

Now that you know how to set up pricing plans for your DIY page, this concludes the second DIY System lesson. In our next lesson we’ll go over adjusting the DIY System’s settings.

Other Lessons In This Series

Now that you have completed this lesson, you can continue on to the other lessons in this series here:

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